Friday, October 06, 2006

Missionary Dragged Away at Bus Stop

Would you choose to go into a situation that could place your life in danger? A native missionary named Jackson did. Read his story here. Since graduating from a GFA Bible college in 2004, Jakson has faithfully labored for the Gospel in an area of Rajasthan, North India, where many pastors have been attacked and churches destroyed. Recently, Jakson was attacked as he stepped off a bus. Read the rest of the story here. I am continually amazed at the deep commitment of so many of our native missionaries like Jakson. Like the Apostle Paul's declaration in Acts 20:24 that he did not count his life dear to himself, their lifestyles reflect an all-out abandonment to Christ and His call. Through your prayers for these faithful men and women, you share in their labors. For this, I am deeply grateful. When we get to heaven, we will clearly see how it was worth it all. Yours for the unreached, K.P. Yohannan Founder & President About Gospel for Asia: learn more about GFA

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